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Shrooms dvdrip

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The Irish “magic mushrooms” are the best! The claims in any case, Jake (Jack Huston), and invites his five American friends for a trip that they will never forget. Tara (Lindsey Haun), Troy (Max Kasch), Holly (Alice Greczyn), Bluto (Rob Hoffman) and Lisa (Maya Hazen), thus making the road and expect fun, drugs, and of course a bit of sex.
In a wooded area, the sample is done by example. And lo and behold. The mushrooms go immediately and let the first group back with a satisfied smile. Dumb only that does not remain. After disappearing as one of the group, sees the bodily death of Tara flit through the woods and see the people of the first body to, the question arises as to whether they imagine all this or whether there really an evil force is at work.
This uncertainty can break up the group and everyone gets his very own trip. And as these incidents continue even after hours, it almost seems as if these white figures, creepy noises and the lost blood, are not illusions. And then they also eat the wrong mushrooms …..


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